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For Photographers Who Want More Income & Time To Put Their Family First

Februrary 25-27, 2025


Learn exactly what’s working for portrait photographers in this ever-changing economy.

And plug into a community of photographers dedicated to serving their families and clients.

Here’s What’s Inside Your BONUS Box (FREE with Ticket Purchase)

*Available While Supplies Last

Just $497 

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Just $497 

Go Boutique Live 2022 is a 3-day virtual spectacular that keeps you on the edge of your seat as you discover how to create the business (and life) of your dreams! 

You’re OUT of the “spin cycle” (where you work too much and make too little) 
You’re able to spend time with your family AND on your business, guilt-free 
You have all the money you want for “extras” (like a new sofa, a family trip to Disney, and private school) 
You’re at every single soccer game, ballet recital, and karate practice because you’re only working when it’s convenient for your family 
You’re contributing to your family's financial future in a major way 
You serve clients who you absolutely adore (and the feeling is mutual) 
You’re OUT of the “spin cycle” (where you work too much and make too little) 
 You’re able to spend time with your family AND on your business, guilt-free 
 You have all the money you want for “extras” (like a new sofa, a family trip to Disney, and private school)  
 You’re at every single soccer game, ballet recital, and karate practice because you’re only working when it’s convenient for your family 
 You’re contributing to your family's financial future in a major way 
 You serve clients who you absolutely adore (and the feeling is mutual) 
Photographer friend, that was my dream, too! When I left my ad agency job to care for my newborn twins. I had that exact picture in my head.

Today, it’s exactly what I have. And you can too. 
Even if you don’t believe in yourself.
Even if you feel like you’ve tried everything. 
​Even if you just started out.
​Even if people are telling you “you can’t.”
Even if you live in a small town. 
Even if you have a lot of competition. 
Even if you’re a single parent. 
 Even if you don’t believe in yourself.
 Even if you feel like you’ve tried everything. 
 ​Even if you just started out.
 ​Even if people are telling you “you can’t.”
 Even if you live in a small town.  
 Even if you have a lot of competition. 
 Even if you’re a single parent. 

A whopping 4.7 BILLION photos are taken a day…most with smartphones.

So how in the world can a professional photographer make money when everyone can whip out their phone and take a good quality photo, for free?

Here’s the answer:

By becoming a boutique portrait photographer - the most profitable way for photographers to make an income while putting their families first.

In the era of instant photography, you are the exception.

When you’re a boutique photographer, you redefine your craft from fast-food to fine-dining photography.

The Boutique Difference:

  • Personal Touch: Each session is tailored to the client’s unique story, creating intimate and meaningful art.
  • ​Quality over Quantity: Focus on delivering fewer, but more impactful and high-value heirloom quality artwork (not digital files that will get lost in the cloud).
  • Lasting Relationships: Build a clientele that values artistry and returns for that personal touch.

Why Boutique Portrait Photography?

Profitable Niche: Tap into a market that seeks quality and is willing to invest in it. This is the most profitable model for most photographers, hands down.

Work-Life Balance: Prioritize your family by choosing a business model that offers flexibility and fulfillment.

Artistic Satisfaction: Rekindle your love for photography by creating art that matters.

  • Without learning from photographers who haven’t picked up a camera in years  
  • ​Without conflicting information from photogs who are all doing it differently 
  • Without becoming more confused and deflated than when you started 
  • Without feeling like you could never figure it out or make it work where you live 
While the national photography conferences are GREAT if you’re trying to figure out your business model…

The problem is, you’ll hear conflicting business advice if you're boutique.
While the photography education is great, only a small fraction of content is about actually RUNNING a profitable business (you know, how we support our families?!)

Which is hard when you’re out there, alone, like I was.

Trying to piece all kinds of guidance together and build the life I wanted to have as a photographer and mom!
This is the one and only deep dive event for boutique photographers. 

It’s a space where you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the transformation in your life and your business that starts to happen over the 3-day event.
It’s a fresh, ever-evolving annual event where we look at what’s working for photographers RIGHT NOW.

In THIS economy. 
This is an event BY photographers, FOR photographers. 

And I can guarantee that it’s the most timely and topical event in this industry.

Worried about what next year is going to do to your business? Of course you are!

We’ve all felt the impacts of inflation and uncertain times…
  • It’s there when we’re at the gas pump 
  • ​It’s there when we’re at the grocery store
  • ​It’s there when we’re talking to clients 
I’ve seen the economy go through all kinds of cycles, and I know exactly what works. I’ve relied on the same set of principles to get me (and my thousands of students) through recessions, spiking gas prices, and even a pandemic. 

What I bring to you in Go Boutique Live is what’s working right now… not what worked for someone decades ago before they quit photography and started teaching.
At a time when we’re facing so much uncertainty, photographers need these tools more than ever before. 

This is the secret weapon for photographers who are ready for something DIFFERENT. Who refuse to let circumstances stand in the way of their family's success.

Over the course of 3 days, you’ll hear from a killer line-up of INCREDIBLE speakers (most are working photographers like you), pouring great ideas into you and your business.
Before Go Boutique Live, I thought my biggest strength was actually holding me back in my business. Now I know what I really need to work on!

- Kcaarin P.

Go Boutique Live put me around like-minded and energetic people. I am so inspired!

- Cynthia W.
Now I know how to make a plan for myself and my business to take action!

- Kim H.
I feel so much closer to my wife because of Go Boutique Live. I finally get her business and why she is doing what she is doing!

- Ben & Beth D.
Our community of photographers is the best you’ll find. I say that confidently (after 25+ years in the industry). Here, we lift as we climb. We don’t see competition, we see collaboration!

And this year, we’ve invested in bringing you some of the most respected speakers in the world to pour into you as a photographer, creator, business owner, and parent.
Each day, these World-Changers will help you get unstuck, move you forward, and help you achieve what you are truly meant for!

If you are a boutique photographer, this event is a must-attend. Don’t roll into the next year guessing and hoping…

Come in STRONG knowing that you (and your photography business) can handle WHATEVER the economy does. 
I’m an introvert but I found myself meeting new people at this event and loving it.

- Christi S.
I just started my photography business and found myself copying everyone else’s photography business models and nothing was working. Go Boutique Live changed everything for me!

- Jessica
Sarah Petty is an amazing human being and she makes the world a better place, one photographer at a time.

- Shalicia J.
My challenge before this event was getting paralysis by analysis. I saw everyone else putting out digitals, but I wanted to do something different. 

- Samantha M.
The tools, strategies, and techniques that will help you become unstoppable as you grow your photography business! 
  • Consistently generate $1,000+ portrait orders
  • Create more time (without working more hours) 
  • ​Develop a head-trash-killing mindset
  • ​Elevate your brand so boutique clients INVEST more with you
  • ​Sell wall art without feeling “pushy”
  • ​The best event materials and goodie box you’ve ever seen! 
Sarah Petty is a portrait photographer, New York Times Bestselling Author, and photographer business mentor.

After working as a marketing director at a top regional ad agency, and in marketing at Coca-Cola Enterprises, Sarah Petty decided something had to give if she wanted to spend more time with her young family.
Sarah quickly discovered that her newfound photography business was eating up all her time and mental energy (sound familiar?). She was on the verge of burnout, unsure how to make a real profit using a broken business model where she was giving it all away.

But after transitioning to the boutique model, she got her life back and showed up to work each day as the best version of herself!

And guess what? Her dream clients and family both benefited.

Now, she serves hundreds of her own clients and teaches students like you how to market your business and get dreamboat clients who happily invest thousands for your custom artwork (wall art, books, and albums).
  I’m stuck. Will this get me unstuck? 
Yes! This event is designed with immersive activities  to help students who are stuck.
  I’ve been in business for years. Am I too advanced? 
Photographers of all levels will grow at this event as the activities planned for this event are uniquely designed to meet you at whatever stage of business you’re in.
  I’m a wedding photographer. Should I attend?
If you are a wedding photographer who also does portraits, boudoir or pet photography, then yes. But if you are focused on weddings, then this isn’t the conference for you.
  I don’t have a business yet. Should I attend?
If the business you are dreaming of starting is a portrait photography business, then yes, you will experience tremendous growth and clarity at this conference.
  If I can only come 1 day should I still come? 
Nope. This is a uniquely designed, 3 day event. You’ll need to be there for all 3 days to experience the growth you desire.
  How is this different than your other courses? 
This event is completely different than any of my study-at-home courses. We will be covering material and breaking through things holding you back that we can only get into when we immersed together for 3 straight days. 
  Are you going to have any speakers who are pet photographers?
Sarah Petty is the main speaker at this event and she does photograph pets.
  If I’m already a student, how will this benefit me?
Have you ever dreamed of a trip? Let’s say Paris. So you studied up on Paris. Read all the guidebooks,  reviews, researched the top sites and restaurants and talked to people who had been. But yet, it still wasn’t  the same as being in Paris and experiencing it firsthand. As a boutique student, being at Go Boutique Live goes beyond just understanding the material you are introduced to in my courses. Now you will be  immersed in it for 3 entire days and it will transform your business on a new dimension that isn’t possible without being there in person.
  How will this be different from last year’s event? 
Each Go Boutique Live features all new content! If you attended last year, you’re going to be blown away by this year’s event! We’ve added speakers for every day, too! 
  I’m still selling digital files. Should I attend? 
That depends. Do you want to stop but just haven’t? If that’s you, then yes. You are in the right place! But if you’re selling digital files and want to continue with the shoot and burn model, then this conference isn’t for you. 
  I don’t have a studio. Does that matter? 
85% of our students do not have studios. So you’ll be in good company. A studio is not at all necessary to be boutique.
  Am I good enough?
If you’re open to growth, then your skill level of a photographer won’t have any effect on the breakthroughs you’ll experience at the event. We all started from somewhere and this is a community that lifts as they climb.
  What if something comes up? Can I get a refund? 
Unfortunately, no. Once we reserve your ticket, we’re committed to you and have put the wheels in motion for you to be there.
  Can I leave early? 
This event was uniquely designed to be 3 full days, with the biggest breakthroughs occurring on day 3. To miss a little is to miss a lot.
  How long will the early bird rate be available?   
We have a limited number of early bird tickets that are nearly sold out.
  Can I bring my spouse / business partner?  
Absolutely. And this year, because the event is virtual, you can bring your spouse for free.
  Are children allowed?  
We are all about #familyfirst. But to get the most of this time together, you’ll need to have arrangements
for your kiddos during the hours of the event. We want you to put your parent hat (and kiddos) aside for
these 3 days.
  Are you going to have speakers?  
A few students will join Sarah Petty on stage, but 95% of this event will be training taught by  Sarah.
  Why is the event virtual when other people are having in-person events?   
We want to be 100% sure we can deliver this event AND keep photographers safe. And the best way to do that is still virtual.
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